A. John Price Partner / Realtor Associate

Patterson Price Real Estate

A. John Price photo
In 1997 after decades with another company, W. Duncan Patterson and John formed Patterson Price Real Estate Company with offices in Middletown and Newark, Delaware. Conveniently located to serve the markets in the contiguous four states that we service. The very unique type of property that we service in the geographic area makes us more of a regional brokerage firm as opposed to local. John takes tremendous pride in the “marketing” of his outstanding properties located throughout the Mid Atlantic marketplace. His results absolutely speak for themselves and set him apart from others wanting to enter this unique segment of the real estate business. John is passionate about serving his regional clientele in marketing unique estate property and welcomes your inquires about his services.
A. John Price Partner / Realtor Associate
Patterson Price Real Estate
5 E. Green Street Middletown, DE 19709

| Residential | Commercial |

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