Frank Ward

Frank Ward, REALTORS® is a local full service real estate brokerage Company serving the Durham N.C. and surrounding areas. We offer a full array of real estate services listing and selling homes and other real estate. In this industry, experience matters. In 1964 Frank Ward started Frank Ward, REALTORS in Durham, NC handling real estate for his friends and customers. In 1999 Mr. Ward transitioned Frank Ward, REALTORS and became an adviser,consultant and mentor to assist his long time close friend, BIC & GM, Marvin Bobbitt. Today Marvin continues operating the business as Mr. Ward taught him over the many years together side by side. We are proud to be here today and help our customers in 2019 and years to come. We appreciate serving Durham and the surrounding areas.
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Frank Ward
518 S. Duke Street Durham, NC 27701

| Buyer Agent | Seller Agent | Residential |

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