Kasey Arent Sales Partner

The Treasure Davis Team

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My name is Kasey Arent, and I am a proud member of the Treasure Davis Team since 2017. My previous career was in management, and working with kids in preschool. I have a good understanding of people, and being empathetic to people comes naturally. I am a Sales Partner as the Treasure Davis Team, and I find joy working as a showing agent. I look to my extraordinary team members to learn the way of real estate. Because of my leadership and organizational skills, I also work as an Executive Assistant, to gain a better understanding of the business. I specialize in customer service, and believe our clients are the cornerstone of our business. I am a people person by nature, and I have a gift of understanding each person’s perspective My formal education has taught me how important it is to take initiative, and the willingness to go the extra mile. I take pride in my assiduous work ethic, and I would never ask someone to do something that I wouldn’t do myself. Hard work does not deter me, there is no job big or small, but I know my limitations and capabilities. I never cease an opportunity to expand my horizons, and educate myself in areas that I am unfamiliar with. My goal as a Real Estate Professional, is to ensure my clients that they are receiving the best care possible. I thrive at public service, and your trust in me and satisfaction with my work, is of the upmost importance. Because I am a military spouse, I have a unique perspective, that allows me to put the client’s mind at ease, when dealing with hard information or news that is not easy to hear.
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Kasey Arent Sales Partner
The Treasure Davis Team
5155 North Academy Blvd. Colorado Springs, CO 80918

| Buyer Agent | Seller Agent | Residential |

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