Ralph R. Roberts

Ralph R. Roberts photo
Ralph R. Roberts, CRS, GRI, is a highly sought after speaker, consultant, author, and personal coach. Since he first started selling real estate in 1979, Ralph has sold over 10,000 homes, prompting Time magazine to call him “the best-selling REALTOR® in America.” A recognized authority on salesmanship, fraud forensics, residential real estate, and ‘Stick-To-It-ism,’ Ralph regularly speaks to groups as small as 30 and as large as 5,000, and has shared the stage with some of today’s top speakers, including pro football Hall of Fame member Joe Montana, General Norman Schwarzkopf, author Robert Kiyosaki, and motivational guru Denis Waitley. A born motivator and teacher, Ralph can often be found working alongside federal authorities to help educate state and local law enforcement and financial institutions on the problems associated with Real Estate and Mortgage Fraud. In fact, Ralph writes about Real Estate and Mortgage Fraud regularly at FlippingFrenzy.com, and contributes articles on a variety of topics to industry publications.
Ralph R. Roberts
7659 Auburn Rd Utica, MI 48315

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