team Steele san diego

The first agent we ever hired lied to us. We were twenty-two, seniors in college, and didn’t know a damn thing about real estate or investing. However, we didn’t let that hold us back. While our family urged caution and our friends thought we were nuts, we chased our dreams and turned our aspirations into reality. Our first real estate purchase was the perfect starter home – a super-cute, three bedroom, one bath home in a snowy suburb of Buffalo, New York. Since that first purchase in 2011, our lives have changed dramatically. We saw firsthand the benefits of home ownership, along with the shortcomings of many real estate professionals in the industry. We didn’t realize it then, but that initial transaction fueled the desire to not only build out our own real estate investment portfolio, but to help others build theirs as well.
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team Steele san diego
909 Grand Ave, Suite 6, San Diego, CA 92109

| Residential | Commercial |

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