The Catalytic Fund

The Catalytic Development Funding Corp. of Northern Kentucky (the Catalytic Fund) is a private sector, not for profit organization providing financing assistance and related services for developers of quality residential and commercial real estate projects in Northern Kentucky’s urban cities of Ludlow, Covington, Newport, Bellevue, and Dayton (Target Area Cities). Its mission is to accelerate Northern Kentucky’s urban renaissance though targeted investments in catalytic real estate development and redevelopment projects in urban neighborhoods. The organization was initiated by Vision 2015 to implement its Urban Renaissance initiative, one of the organization’s “Power of Six” focus areas critical to regional economic competitiveness. The Catalytic Fund addresses the need for patient capital to support construction and/or rehabilitation of market rate housing and mixed-use real estate projects that are essential to the revitalization and repopulation of our urban communities. These projects and their sponsors are typically outside both private and public financing programs and traditional financial institutions are not flexible enough to provide these projects with sufficient capital. The Catalytic Fund provides capital via a $10,000,000 investment fund to fill gaps between traditionally underwritten loans, developer’s equity, and project costs. Although the Catalytic Fund expects its capital to be returned, it can be patient and flexible allowing time for the project to succeed.
The Catalytic Fund logo
The Catalytic Fund
50 East RiverCenter Blvd., Suite 260 Covington, KY 41011

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