KRWinc - Kenneth R. West, Inc

KRWinc - Kenneth R. West, Inc photo
Kenneth R. West, Inc. was organized in 1983 to provide the most professional service available to those looking for help in satisfying their real estate needs primarily through appraisals at that time, but with some venturing into residential sales, management and construction. In 1993, the company was put on hold after Mr. West accepted a position with London and Stetelman Commercial Realtors as Commercial Sales and Property Manager. After almost 20 years of successful involvement in those fields, he had an opportunity in June of 2012 to reopen Kenneth R. West, Inc. He now offers approximately 35 years of experience in handling all types of commercial and residential real estate projects including sales, management and consultation to any who may need professional, experienced, and above all, courteous help with real estate needs.
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KRWinc - Kenneth R. West, Inc
110 S 10th Ave Hattiesburg

| Buyer Agent | Seller Agent | Residential | Commercial | Property Management |

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